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Sales Executive

Non lavorare di più, lavora meglio

Un ruolo di grande responsabilità

Le aziende, indipendentemente dalle loro dimensioni o dal settore di appartenenza, dipendono molto dai risultati di chi vende.

Chi vende però, molto spesso, non ha seguito un percorso di studi specifico e lavora facendo leva quasi esclusivamente sulle caratteristiche della propria offerta, sul suo fiuto e sulla sua capacità di gestire le relazioni coi clienti. Difficilmente riconosce l'importanza di una professionalità più solida e strutturata, come quella che può derivare dall'adozione di un sistema di vendita.

Da molti anni cambiamo la vita professionale e personale a decine di migliaia di persone ogni anno. Fai di te un vero professionista delle vendite, scegli i nostri corsi. Per lavorare meglio, non di più.


Le soluzioni di Vendita di Sandler 

Le Selling Solutions di Sandler ti possono garantire una solida base professionale fatta di metodo, tecniche, strumenti e un prezioso supporto per la tua crescita da parte di coach di grande esperienza.

Le soluzioni suggerite per te sono:



Three Biggest Sales Mistakes You Should Never Make

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Predictable prospecting results is not a myth.

For small sales teams, prospecting can be a roller-coaster—one month you're up, the next you're down. The ride isn't always fun. The Sandler Selling System levels out the sales playing field, so you can depend on predictable results.

Using social selling tools like LinkedIn can be a huge game changer for sales teams on a budget. These tools can level the playing field, enabling salespeople to connect with prospects they pre-qualifiy by industry, company size or other key indicators.

The caveat is that if you don't have a system to clearly define what you're looking for and a replicable system for what to do with it, this activity has the potential to become a black hole, consuming time that should be spent actually closing sales.

Not all sales cycles are the same, especially when it comes to company size and number of decision makers.  From small to med-sized, large and enterprise organizations, your job is to control the prospect to the close.

Get measurable results.

When you become Sandler-certified, you have access to measurable results at every step of the training process. Your progress is documented from competent through proficient to sales mastery.

The Sandler Blog

Insight and tips on current sales, sales management, leadership and management topics. We invite you to
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Transform mediocre performers into selling superstars.

The best-selling sales classic, with battle-tested advice on driving personal and organizational success by breaking the rules of conventional selling. The second edition has been updated by Sandler CEO and President David Mattson who provides additional skills designed for today’s highly competitive, more complex, tech-savvy sales landscape.

Experience today's top-performing sales programs in person or online.